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Delivery Info
You can purchase your items online and pick them up at our physical store or ship them directly to your doorstep. Shipping is calculated at checkout. At the Secure Checkout page, you‘ll see the ordered item’s description, its price and delivery time. Where available, you can also choose a faster delivery method for each item on your order for an additional fee. Delivery times vary depending on your selected delivery address, availability of your items, and the time of the day you place your order. All orders over $65 and under 25lbs that fit in our largest 18x12x12 box, ship free with UPS ground under our current promotion. Any order under $65, over 25lbs or will not fit in a 18x12x12 box will NOT ship free. Delivery is only available to the lower 48 states of the United States. For any deliveries to Hawaii or Alaska, please contact us to get estimated shipping charges. Shipments are expected to ship within 1 business day. Shipment can go out same day if put in by noon Monday thru Friday. Other factors may delay processing 2 to 3 additional days, such as weekends, holidays, weather and item availability. Frozen foods and produce only available in-store at this time. Returns: Customers can return products if they are sealed and unopen within 30 days of delivery. Customer will pay any expense to return products. Please contact us for any problems with your products or delivery.